This page is accessible at Adi Shakti: Highest power, the first omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent power, the original form of Shakti, which can be expressed in many forms.

Agamas - applied sciences that implement the Veda and Vedanta concepts

Agyan - Illusion, lack of knowledge, ignorance

Apara Vidya - indirect knowledge (empirical, worldly, and intellectual knowledge) and that of the material world

Asana - woolen meditation cloth

Ashrama – the 4 age-based life stages

  Brahmacharya (until age 24) - student, celibate, acquiring knowledge (dharma)

  Grihastha (age 24-48) - maintaining a household, raising family (artha and kama)

  Vanaprastha (age 48-72) - retiree, pass to next generation (less artha and kama)

  Sannyasa - (age 72 and up) - renunciation of material desires (moksha)

Ashtanga - 8 limbs of yoga

  Yama – moral imperatives (don’ts)

       Ahimsa – non-violence

       Satya – truthfulness, not lying

       Asteya – not stealing

 Bhramacharya – fidelity, sexual restraint

 Aparigraha – non-avarice, non-possessiveness

  Niyama – observances (dos)

       Shaucha – purity, clearness of mind, speech, body

       Santosha – contentment, acceptance of others

 Tapas – persistence, perseverance, self-discipline

 Svadhyaya – study of Vedas, self, and introspection

 Ishvarapranidhana – contemplation of the Divine / True Self

Asana – steady and comfortable posture for period of time

 Padmasana - lotus pose (<>)

 Siddhasana - accomplished pose (<>)

 Simhasana – lion pose (<>)

       Virasana – hero pose (<>)

Pranayama – breathing

Pratyahara – withdrawal, retracting sensory experience from external

Dharana – concentration

Dhyana – meditation

Samadhi – absorption

Anahata nada - the sacred sound or song of the heart

Atma - soul

Brahma muhurta - refers to the early morning period (between 03:40 am - 4:28 am) considered an auspicious time for meditation. After a good night's sleep, the mind is refreshed, calm and serene.

Chakra - 7 energy centers in the body containing secrets of the Universe

  Muladhara - base; when open, energy goes upwards.

Svadhishtana - sacral and Mother chakra; when open, deep connection enabled between mother and baby in womb (men through their seed)

Manipura - solar plexus; when open, fear of death is overcome

Anahata - heart; when open, can understand secret of Love

Visuddha - throat; open through singing / devotion

Ajna - mind’s eye; open through deep discerning knowledge,

Sahasrara - crown; connection to the ethereal, open through yoga

Chetana - Consciousness of the world and one’s senses

Consciousness - 7 levels of human consciousness

  Waking state – corresponds to the gross body, or Annamaya kosha

Dreaming mind – corresponds to the subtle body, or Manomaya kosha

Deep Sleep – corresponds to the causal body, or Anandamaya kosha

Turiya – pure consciousness, background state

Cosmic consciousness – witnessing awareness (local and non-local reality)

Divine consciousness – sense of connectedness to everyone and everything

Unity consciousness – awaken to true self and One with all creation

Doshas - 3 fundamental bio-elements and forces that create the physical body

  Vata - air and aether elements; 5 types of Vata dosha

  Prana Vata - governs inhalation, sense perception, and the mind

Udana Vata - governs speech, self-expression, effort, enthusiasm, strength and vitality

Samana Vata - governs peristaltic movement of digestive system

Apana Vata - governs all downward impulses (urination, defecation, menstrual discharge, sexual release

Vyana Vata - governs circulation, heart rhythm, and locomotion

Pitta - fire and water elements; 5 types of Pitta dosha

Pachaka Pitta - governs digestion of food into nutrients and waste

Ranjaka Pitta - governs formation of red blood cells

Alochaka Pitta - governs visual perception

Sadhaka Pitta - governs emotions, memory, intelligence and digestion of thoughts

Bharajaka Pitta - governs luster, complexion, temperature, and pigmentation of skin

Kapha - earth and water elements; 5 types of Kapha dosha

Kledaka Kapha - governs moistening and liquefying food

Avalambhaka Kapha - governs lubrication of heart and lungs

Tarpaka Kapha - governs calmness, happiness, and stability

Bodhaka Kapha - governs perception of taste

Shleshaka Kapha - governs lubrication of all joints


  Sattvic - fresh, organic fruits and vegetables with light seasoning/spices, nuts, seeds, sprouted whole grains, honey, herbal tea

Rajasic - spicy/bitter/dry/salty/acidic, stimulating, coffee/black tea, canned foods, fish, eggs, dairy and eating in a hurry

Tamasic - fried or processed, preserved with salt/vinegar, red meat, alcohol, tobacco, onion, garlic, and over-eating

Guna - quality, attribute, tendency (or virtue)

 Sattva - purity, creativity, compassion, adding prana/energy

Rajas - activity, passion, egoism, competition, pride, anger, jealousy

Tamas - darkness, inertia, ignorance, and lethargy (often associated with qualities that lead to confusion, stagnation, and destruction)

Jivamukti - living liberation

Koshas - 5 layers or sheaths of the subtle body and corresponding elements

  Annamaya - food or physical body (earth element) - cells, tissues, bone, marrow, nerves, body system

Pranamaya - energy body (water element) - breath, aura, chakras, nadis

Manomaya - mind body (fire element) - thoughts, feelings, emotions

Vijñānamaya - discernment body (air element) - intellect, values, beliefs, inner voice

Anandamaya - bliss body (aether element) - bliss, pure happiness

Kriya - manifestations in any of the bodies (physical, energetic, emotional, psychic, bliss) resulting from the practice.