Welcome to the global Siddha Maha Yoga meditation community!

Here are some thoughts and resources to help center and deepen your practice, and help you connect with the community. This page is at https://smy.one/om - feel free to share with other sadhaks!

Connect with the community - it’s highly recommended that you continue or form a prana group to meet with regularly. You can connect with your fellow sadhaks in our online JEM community or join (or create!) a local sangha group for in person meetups. Savita Ma organizes prana groups you can join that meet regularly online. You are not alone on this journey and if you are experiencing difficult emotions or manifestations, please reach out to your fellow sadhaks.

Take care of yourself and live a sattvic / spiritual life - see Avaya's Quick Guides for living a healthy life and making the most out of your meditation practice. We also have a resident pranayama (energy breathwork) teacher Ogi Narayana who has recorded many beautiful pranayama classes for your enjoyment. Many sadhaks have also contributed to this list of integration tools, try them out!

Attend the weekly Satsangs - they are a really key part of our meditation practice. You can connect with that magical retreat energy twice a week! Here is the SMY calendar (justenjoy.com, Google cal, ical) with upcoming satsangs, group meditations, and retreats. You can catch any of the past weekly or retreat satsangs in our satsang archive

Deepen your knowledge - we have many online resources to learn more including a library with some profound works by Guruji’s teacher, a glossary for all those Sanskrit terms, and a place to learn more about Guruji’s prayers that he chants to us at the end of every satsang. Our global website at https://siddhamahayoga.com contains valuable information regarding the practice, lineage, and community.

Center your practice - if you have just received your blessing, consider doing a “30-day challenge” where you meditate daily for 30 days in a row to start off this habit. It’s more fun with friends! Connect with others (see above) and have fun meeting and sharing with fellow sadhaks on this journey. Set the intention of lovingly gifting yourself time to connect with Shakti every day and with the help of Avaya’s guides create a special sacred time in your day, meditation space and ritual to enjoy your practice.

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Artwork by Julia Veytsman (@eve_devore)